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How can my Dog run faster

How can my Dog run faster

Dogs are not naturally slow animals; their body physique is suited for walking and running short and long distances, unlike other pets such as cats, rabbits, etc.

Running is a physical activity that helps to stimulate the well-being of dogs and, most importantly, their mental and physical health.

The importance of running in dogs cannot be overemphasised.

It brings about better bonding, companionship, higher energy, and enthusiasm levels, which can help dogs to be better pets or working dogs.

However, while some dogs excel at running, others might need a little help to attain their full potential.

Many variables impact racing in dogs in general. these variables are dog breed, age, health, weight, etc.

Breeds of Dogs:


For a dog owner to get his or her dog to run faster, understanding the particular dog breed has to be paramount

It will be impossible for a German Shepherd to outrun an African lion Greyhound.

The African Greyhound’s body physics is streamlined, slender, and strong, enabling it to attain a speed of about 45 miles, equivalent to 72 km per hour.

Meanwhile, a German shepherd can only race 30 miles per hour.

In such cases, it will be over-demanding and impossible for a dog owner to expect a German shepherd to outrace an African Greyhound regardless of the physical training.


How can my Dog run faster

Age is a vital factor that impacts racing and overall physical abilities in all breeds of dogs.

Below are some ways age affects how a dog can run faster

a. Muscle strength:

Regardless of the breed, puppies have weak, tender, and growing bones that are not yet suited for running long distances.

It is best advised they get to one and a half years before they are exposed to strenuous activities.

But for the time being, it’s best to take them out for periodic short walks without a leash in a safe environment.

Young adult dogs have stronger and well-developed muscles, which enables them to run faster and cover more distances.

Young adult dogs are in the prime of that life, which enables them to be very athletic and happy to run.

However, older dogs have reduced and weak muscular strengths, leading to a slower pace when running.

b. Health:

Just like humans,  mental, joint, cardiovascular, and physical health may weaken with age.

Older dogs may have arthritis, stiffness of joints, sluggishness, etc. This can weaken their abilities to run at a higher space, cover more distance, and stamina level.

They will likely want to rest more, only interested in less rigorous activities, etc

Injuries and any signs of discomfort or pain should always be looked out for.

In such cases, any underlying health issues should be well-treated after consultation with a veterinary expert.


Excess weight puts strains that can be likened to heavier loads on the muscles of a dog, making it difficult to run and function effectively.

Dogs that weigh more than they should have difficulties regulating their temperatures.

They may also suffer from reduced stamina and endurance levels, which limit their speed over longer distances.

Leaner dogs with good weight can run faster, have higher endurance and stamina levels, have higher muscle efficiency, and are more agile.

If you want a dog to run faster, it’s up to you to control the weight considering dogs can’t order lunch or desserts, nor can they take a snack off the kitchen shelf.

It is best advised to consult with a nutritionist to know what diet is most suitable for a dog so they don’t become obese.

What to do to increase the speed of a dog:

How can my Dog run faster

Below is a combination of training, care, nutrition, and routines to train your dog to run faster.

Regular physical activities:

Early morning and evening walks for young puppies covering short distances should be encouraged and religiously adhered to.

Young puppies should be engaged in games such as fetch and agility training in smaller areas with less distance to cover.

They can also be trained on treadmills under supervised conditions.

Meanwhile, adult dogs should be engaged in aerobic activities such as running to cover long distances, which helps to build stronger muscles and endurance levels that are essential for speeds.

Before running, dogs should undergo little-distance walks and gentle jogging, which help to warm up and send signals to vital tissues and body systems.

After running, cool down by providing water; resting should be encouraged.

The temperature should be conducive to physical activities, and adequate water and frequent rest should be encouraged so as not to lead to exhaustion.

Running off the leash in a controlled and safe environment should be encouraged so they can run at their own pace and abilities without being dragged or forced, etc.

Also, Activities like uphill running, swimming, or using obstacle courses can help strengthen muscles and improve speed.


Ensure your dog is on a balanced diet best suited for their age, breed, and physical activity level. Proper nutrition supports muscle development, energy levels, and overall health, which are crucial for optimal performance and speed.

Every pound of extra weight also equates to more pressure on the joints, which makes it more difficult to walk or run, especially when they are obese.

It is best to keep a dog on the lean side as they tend to be more agile, happier, healthier, run faster, and also live longer.

Unnecessary carbs should be scrapped out of their diet after consultation with a nutritionist to understand what diet is proper for a breed and age, etc.

Dogs should be well-hydrated before and after every physical activity.

Motivation And Encouragement:

1. Positive Reinforcement should be encouraged by praising your dog when  they hit a milestone in their running journey
2. Toys can and should be used to stimulate a happy and conducive environment during physical training.

3. The use of clear and consistent commands should be encouraged to prevent mental fatigue
4. Dogs learn best from understudying other dogs and humans. it is best to also participate in physical activities with your dog, such as running, and also take your dogs to parks where they can interact with other dogs.


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