Posted inExotic Pets

Should You Keep an Armadillo as a Pet

What is it like to have a armadillo as a pet

Sometimes, it can be quite fascinating to have an unusual animal as a pet, especially for animal lovers just like our daughter.

When she turned 18 years old, she specifically requested a garden lizard as her first personal exotic pet.

Her request was not only strange but thrilling to us.

We had to advise, teach, and train her on how best to take care of her new pet after we made her wish come true. You can read here to learn more

We have also had to advise other animal lovers if they can have and keep exotic animals such as Lions, Fennec Fox, Sugar Glider. Hedgehog, Capybara, Ball Python, Axolotl, Gecko, Pgymy Goat, Binturong, Tarantula, Wallaby, Slow Loris, Kinkajou, etc.

If you are like our lovely daughter and so many others who love unconventional animals such as an armadillo as a pet and have the usual question if you should keep it as a pet, then this article is for you.

What Is An Armadillo:

should you keep an armadillo as a pet

An armadillo unlike other conventional animals such as dogs, cats, parrots, etc is quite unpopular, especially among non-animal lovers.

Armadillo is a unique creature that lives on land and can survive in water.

They are terrestrial animals that do not shy away from deep waters due to their ability to swim.

The word  “armadillo” was derived from a Spanish word that means “little armored”.

They have hard armored leather-like skin just like the crocodiles.

Their hard armored leather skin made up of bony plates protects them from predators and harsh weather conditions in their habitat.

They are of different species numbering more than 20 in the wild. It is necessary to know which species of armadillo you want to keep as a pet.

The behavior, burrowing capabilities, and ability to curl like a ball vary among the different species of armadillo.

However, all known species of armadillo are known for their low body temperature and inability to regulate their body temperature, unlike other mammals.

They can only effectively function in a warm climate. They are commonly referred to as “poikilothermic” which means their body temperature is a reflection of their environment.

Should You Keep an Armadillo as a Pet:

Armadillos are not the usual animals to keep as a pets in today’s society.

The requirements, resources, commitment, responsibility, and considerations to keeping an armadillo as a pet are quite different from other common pets such as dogs, cats, parrots, monkeys, etc that do have established and easy guidelines.

Armadillos can be considered exotic pets but in general, might not make a great pet, especially for inexperienced pet owners and teenagers.

They have wild instincts that will make it difficult to domesticate and they are nocturnal animals, i.e. they only function at night which is not in line with human patterns.

However, if you are experienced with pets and fascinated about owning uncommon exotic pets such as an armadillo, below are important considerations before keeping one as a pet.

Legal Considerations:

In some countries, especially in the United States of America, owning an armadillo might be illegal, restricted, or require permits.

Some states in the United States of America such as California, Washington, Hawaii, and New York, have strict legal requirements for owning exotic pets such as armadillos.

These regulations are a result of certain concerns about the impact of local wildlife, their invasiveness, public safety, animal care, and the introduction of non-native species.

It is important to enquire about the local laws before introducing an armadillo home as a pet.

If your locality authorities allow you to have an armadillo as a pet, then you can proceed to other considerations before adopting from a breeder.

Shelter Needs:

It is not unsuspecting to find out armadillos require sophisticated housing needs largely due to their burrowing nature.

Due to their burrowing nature, it will be challenging for an armadillo to live in the house except there is a large space where they easily dig burrows.

They will be unable to live outdoors during winter or cold climate environments.

For you to provide a suitable shelter for an armadillo, you have to provide a warm space where they can also burrow.

Their needs for a burrowing space and soil help them to secure food, a conducive space to sleep, breeding, comfort, and protection from unfavorable weather conditions and predators.

Nutrition And Diets:

Armadillos have very specific insect dietary needs but some species have evolved to also feed on worms, fruits, seeds, etc.

In general, armadillos are insect-loving animals. They feed on insects that are commonly found around households such as beetles, ants, termites, cockroaches, spiders, crickets, larvae, etc.

Their feeding varies by habitat based on the availability of these insects but in general, they mostly love to feed on ants and termites.

They do not have specialized claws to hold and feed on bigger prey and they also have fewer teeth and a simple digestive system that cannot digest common human foods.

Insects contain all the required proteins and vitamins needed for armadillos.

They also require clean and fresh water for drinking.

Health Concerns:

Studies have shown that armadillos carries the bacterium Mycobacterium leprae which causes leprosy.

This bacterium can be transmitted from the host ( armadillos ) to humans through handling which poses a great threat to humans especially pet owners of armadillos.

The possibility of the bacterium Mycobacterium leprae living in the nerve cells and macrophages of armadillos is of great concern and worry.

Also, during hot summers, armadillos can develop health issues due to the high temperature.

Be Prepared:

While it is possible to own an armadillo as a pet, it is important to consider long-term responsibility and safety concerns.

Armadillos just like every other animal in the wild or domesticated require care and provision.

Should you keep an armadillo as a pet, you should be certain to provide for their special dietary needs, housing needs and most especially, be prepared to find it difficult to find an experienced veterinarian when they need medical care.

Armadillos have a lifespan of 10 to 12 years which means a decade of responsibility.






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